Getting started with Pylatest

First of all, Pylatest is a Sphinx extension, so check Sphinx Tutorial first if you are not familiar with Sphinx.


You can install latest stable Pylatest release from PyPI via pip:

# pip install pylatest

Installation on Fedora

If you use Fedora, you can install rpm packages from marbu/pylatest copr:

# dnf copr enable marbu/pylatest
# dnf install python3-pylatest

Installation on RHEL 7

If you use RHEL 7 (or other operating system based on RHEL such as CentOS), install at least python-lxml package from system repositories, python-pip from Epel and then install pylatest via pip under normal (non root) user account under which you are going to use it:

# yum install python-lxml python-docutils
# yum --enablerepo=epel install python-pip
# su - pylatestuser
$ pip install --user pylatest

Create new Sphinx/Pylatest Project

First of all you need to create new Sphinx project using sphinx-quickstart script (see Sphinx Tutorial for details) and then enable pylatest extension as shown in the next section.

Adding Pylatest to Existing Sphinx Project

To use Pylatest with your existing Sphinx project, add pylatest module into list of extensions in of the project:

extensions = [

Writing Test Cases

When you have Sphinx project with Pylatest extension enabled, you can start writing test cases. Pylatest expects that a test case is located in dedicated rst file, you should not describe multiple test cases in single file. Other aspects of structure of pylatest/sphinx project is completelly up to you though.

Here is an example of a test case document following expected structure:

Test Case Title

:component: foo
:subcomponent: bar
:priority: high


This is just demonstration of usage of pylatest
rst directives and expected structure of rst


#. This is a first step of the setup.

#. There is another one.

Test Steps

.. test_action::
   :step: List files in the volume: ``ls -a /mnt/helloworld``
   :result: There are no files, output should be empty.

.. test_action::
       Run the following commands::

           $ foo --extra sth
           $ bar -vvv

       And wait at least 10 seconds.

       Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec
       consectetur ante hendrerit.


#. Description of the cleanup.

#. There is another one, again.

As you can see from the example above, Pylatest defines custom docutils directive named test_action for writing down a test step action (which includes step itself and expected result). Also note that when the description of a test step is long and/or complicated, you can use multiple paragraphs to describe it as shown in the example.

For more details, see description of Test Case structure.

HTML output

To generate html output, run make html in the root directory of sphinx/pylatest project as one would do with any other sphinx project.

Note that default pylatest html builder produces human readable representation of a test case, which generates table from all test_action directives from Test Steps section.

For example, following rst source:

.. test_action::
   :step: Foo Step.
   :result: Foo Result.

.. test_action::
   :step: Bar Step.
   :result: Bar Result.

Would be represented in the following way in html output:

  Step Expected Result
1 Foo Step. Foo Result.
2 Bar Step. Bar Result.