Pylatest XML Export

Pylatest Sphinx extension also provides custom xmlexport Sphinx builder exporting test case documents into xml files for further machine processing (scripting, reporting, transformation and/or importing somewhere else).

To generate xml export files, run make xmlexport (which runs $(SPHINXBUILD) -b xmlexport $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/xmlexport) in the root directory of a Sphinx/Pylatest project.

XML Export file format

XML export files are generated for test case documents only.

For the following example of minimal test case document:

Hello World

:caseimportance: low
:casecomponent: foobar


This is just demonstration of usage of pylatest rst directives and expected
structure of rst document.

Test Steps

.. test_action::
   :step: List files in the volume: ``ls -a /mnt/helloworld``
   :result: There are no files, output should be empty.

XML Export file, using default configuration, would look like this (example here has been little polished to increase readability compared to actual xml export output):

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <title>Hello World</title>
      <html:div xmlns:html="" class="section" id="description">
      <html:p>This is just demonstration of usage of pylatest rst directives and expected
      structure of rst document.</html:p>
        <test-step-column id="step">
          <html:div xmlns:html="" action_id="1" action_name="test_step" class="pylatest_action">
          List files in the volume: <html:code class="docutils literal"><html:span class="pre">ls</html:span> <html:span class="pre">-a</html:span> <html:span class="pre">/mnt/helloworld</html:span></html:code>
        <test-step-column id="expectedResult">
          <html:div xmlns:html="" action_id="1" action_name="test_result" class="pylatest_action">
          There are no files, output should be empty.
      <custom-field content="foobar" id="casecomponent"/>
      <custom-field content="low" id="caseimportance"/>
      <custom-field content="" id="author"/>

Note that sections and test actions are represented as xhtml mixed content by default.

Options for the XML Export builder

One can further tweak xml export behaviour by setting following options in build configuration file.


When specified, project-id attribute with given value is added into testcases element of xml export files.


A list of test case metadata names (field names of field list entries used in rst files of test cases) which will be addedd into xml export file as custom-field element.

When not specified, all test case metadata will be exported.

For example of minimal test case document listed above, following configuration:

pylatest_valid_export_metadata = [

would prevent custom-field element for author to be included in xml export file, even though that author is specified in rst file of the test case and it would be present in standard html output.


Specifies how text content is included into xml elements of test case sections (Description, Setup, Test Steps and Teardown) in xml export file.

Supported content types are:

  • mixedcontent: content included as xhtml with proper xml namespace (aka mixed xhtml content) generated from rst source text of the section, see previous section for an example
  • CDATA: content included as html code inside CDATA section (this is necessary for ci-ops-tools importer to accept html content)
  • plaintext: plain text without any markup

When not specified, mixedcontent is used.


If False, xml export files would not be indented by lxml pretty_print feature. Default is True.

Note that xhtml mixed content sections (if enabled) are never indented, no matter how this option is set.


Controls how a test case is identified in xml export file.

Supported options are:

  • custom: test cases are identified by it’s absolute doc name (path of rst file within sphinx project, without extension).

    For example, test case from file foo/test_bar.rst (file path within sphinx/pylatest project) will have it’s id specified in attribute of test case element like this:

    <testcase id="/foo/test_bar">

    Note that xml export file also declares the lookup method in it’s properties:

        <property name="lookup-method" value="custom"/>
  • id: value explicitelly specified as a test case id in rst file is directly used in it’s xml export file. If a test case id is not provided in rst file, the xml element for the test case will be missing id attribute.

    To explicitelly specify id for a test case, add :id: field into docutils field list with test case metadata:

    Hello World
    :id: FOO-123
    :caseimportance: low
    :casecomponent: foobar

    Then the test case element in xml export file will just use this id:

    <testcase id="FOO-123">

    Note that xml export file also declares the lookup method in it’s properties:

        <property name="lookup-method" value="id"/>
  • id,custom: a hybrid mode of the previous two. Custom id based on doc name is used, unless explicit id is specified in the rst file.

    The lookup method in property element of xml export file is set accordingly for each test case.

    Note that this is experimental feature, and may be changed or even removed in the future.

When not specified, custom method is used.


If True, xml export files will contain dry-run property set to true:

    <property name="dry-run" value="true"/>

This dry-run property element will be completelly missing when pylatest_export_dry_run is set to False.

The default value is False.


This config. option allows to specify a dict with properties to be included in xml export files as so called response properties.

For example this dictionary:

pylatest_export_response_properties = {
    "foo": "bar",
    "uuid": "5da60d66-916e-45fc-a6c6-edfba9444e54",

Will be represented as follows in xml export files:

    <response-property name="foo" value="bar"/>
    <response-property name="uid" value="5da60d66-916e-45fc-a6c6-edfba9444e54"/>

This response-properties element won’t be included in xml export files when the option is undefined.